Hey There
Though normally all the purchases are generally shipped from our warehouse through the third party courier services and it's normally takes 3-5 working days in all major cities in the country.
Shipping and handling prices may vary that is based on the product you has choose to buy and its size, packaging, volume, etc. In this circumstances, the shipping charges are given during the time of check out and customers will get to know regarding that before making payments online from our website. So, normally all the purchases are generally shipped from our warehouse by the third party courier and it normally takes 3-5 working days in all major cities in the country. So, here you need to understand that these dates are subject to the third party's logistics as the shipping is handled normally by the firm of third-party. Well, once the item reached to your place you need to check and sign and receive the same after making the cash on delivery payment (COD). However, we are in any conditions is not dependent upon when your item is delivered as those timings are to be maintained by a third party's organizations.
Orders can be delayed due to the current pandemic situations such as lockdown and COVID Situation. Rest of assured we are going to deliver your products at the earliest. We try to dispatch all our orders within 24-48 hours in the normal working days.